Shepton Montague

Shepton Montague is a Village in the county of Somerset.

Retail in Shepton Montague

There are great places to visit near Shepton Montague including some great cities, historic buildings, towns, ancient sites, hills, ruins, historic monuments, lakes, villages, airports, beaches, islands, rivers and streams, hiking areas and caves.

Bath, and Wells are some of Shepton Montague best cities to visit near Shepton Montague.

The area around Shepton Montague features a number of interesting historic buildings including Beckford's Tower, Tropicana, Grand Pier (Weston-super-Mare), and Wells Cathedral.

Shepton Montague's best nearby towns can be found at Glastonbury, Langport, Bridgwater, and Weston-super-Mare.

The area around Shepton Montague boasts some of the best ancient sites including Glastonbury Tor, and Chalice Well.

Glastonbury Tor is one of Shepton Montague's best, nearby hills to visit in Shepton Montague.

Shepton Montague is near some unmissable ruins like Glastonbury Abbey,

Chalice Well, and Cheddar Market Cross are great places to visit near Shepton Montague if you like historic monuments.

Cellophane Ponds, and Marine Lake - Weston-super-mare are some of Shepton Montague best lakes to visit near Shepton Montague.

Villages to visit near Shepton Montague include Withycombe, Uphill, Cheddar, and Wookey Hole.

Airports to visit near Shepton Montague include Bristol Airport.

Weston-super-Mare Beach is one of Shepton Montague's best, nearby beaches to visit in Shepton Montague.

The area around Shepton Montague's best islands can be found at Knightstone Island.

There are a several good rivers and streams in the area around Shepton Montague like River Axe.

Cheddar Gorge is one of Shepton Montague's best, nearby hiking areas to visit in Shepton Montague.

There are a several good caves in the Shepton Montague area like Cheddar Gorge, and Wookey Hole Caves.

Shepton Montague History

There are some historic monuments around Shepton Montague:

Places to see near Shepton Montague

Lakes near Shepton Montague