Cold Newton

Cold Newton is a Village in the county of Leicestershire.

Cold Newton postcode: LE7 9DA

Retail in Cold Newton

There are great places to visit near Cold Newton including some great cities, historic monuments, canals, hiking areas, historic buildings, parks, shopping centres, airports, towns, villages, lakes, country parks and ruins.

Don't miss Leicester's cities if visiting the area around Cold Newton.

Places near Cold Newton feature a number of interesting historic monuments including The Arch of Remembrance.

There are a several good canals in the area around Cold Newton like Grand Union Canal at Leicester.

Cold Newton is near some unmissable hiking areas like Grand Union Canal at Leicester,

There are a number of historic buildings near Cold Newton including Leicester Cathedral, Church of St Nicholas - Leicester, Lavenham Guildhall, Bradgate House, and Old John Tower.

Abbey Park, Wilton Park, and Bradgate Park are some of Cold Newton best parks to visit near Cold Newton.

Places near Cold Newton feature a number of interesting shopping centres including Highcross Leicester.

There are a number of airports near Cold Newton including Leicester Airport, and East Midlands Airport.

Cold Newton's best nearby towns can be found at Loughborough, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, and Melton Mowbray.

Cold Newton's best nearby villages can be found at Lavenham, Cropston, Newtown Linford, Saddington, and Rothley.

Cold Newton is near some unmissable lakes like Cropston Reservoir,

Places near Cold Newton feature a number of interesting country parks including Bradgate Park.

Cold Newton's best nearby ruins can be found at Bradgate House, and Old John Tower.

Cold Newton History

There are some historic monuments around Cold Newton:

Places to see near Cold Newton

Lakes near Cold Newton

    Rivers near Cold Newton