Stones Bank Brook by munki-boy

Stones Bank Brook

A stream starting on Turton Moor at the confluence of Rustons Brook and Holden’s Brook.

Stones Bank Brook runs down to the Delph Reservoir where an arrangement of sluices and a separate concrete channel is made to carry the brook on past the reservoir and on to become part of the Eagley Brook.

Before the reservoir, Stones Bank Brook ran off Turton Moor through an area known as Hole Bottoms before changing its name to Delph Brook and flowing under the Widow’s Bridge which was lost when the valley was flooded.

Created: 11  July  2021  Edited: 29  November  2023

Confluence of Rushtons Brook and Holden's Brook, becoming Stones Bank Brook at Owshaw Clough

West Pennine Moors SSSI Details

Type: SSSI

Stones Bank Brook