About Wildlife around the lake area of Longbridge Lake

The area within a five mile radius of Longbridge Lake is home to 33 species of birds.

Longbridge Lake is a woodland area in Hampshire.

Longbridge Lake Map

Longbridge Lake Map

Birds found near Longbridge Lake

There have been 33 species of birds recorded within a five mile radius of Longbridge Lake.

Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
Dabchick (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Green Plover (Vanellus vanellus)
House Martin (Delichon urbicum)
Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
Magpie (Pica pica)
Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)
Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Cetti's Warbler (Cettia cetti)
Coal Tit (Periparus ater)
Common Swift (Apus apus)
Dunnock (Prunella modularis)
Great Tit (Parus major)
Greenfinch (Chloris chloris)
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Long-Tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)
Pied/White Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Skylark (Alauda arvensis)
Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus)