Heath Town

Heath Town is a Town in the county of West Midlands.

Heath Town postcode: WV10 0QA

Retail in Heath Town

There are great places to visit near Heath Town including some great towns, shopping centres, cities, canals, country parks, woodlands, lakes, nature reserves and airports.

The area around Heath Town boasts some of the best towns including Dudley, Sutton Coldfield, and West Bromwich.

Merry Hill, and Bullring & Grand Central are some of Heath Town best shopping centres to visit near Heath Town.

Don't miss Birmingham, and Coventry's cities if visiting the area around Heath Town.

Places near Heath Town feature a number of interesting canals including Birmingham to Wolverhampton Canal.

The area around Heath Town boasts some of the best country parks including Lickey Hills Country Park, Woodgate Valley Country Park, Sutton Park, Kingsbury Water Park, Sandwell Valley Country Park, and Coombe Country Park.

The area around Heath Town's best woodlands can be found at Lickey Hills Country Park.

Lakes to visit near Heath Town include Kingsbury Water Park.

Places near Heath Town feature a number of interesting nature reserves including RSPB Sandwell Valley.

Places near Heath Town feature a number of interesting airports including Birmingham Airport.

Heath Town History

There are some historic monuments around Heath Town:

Places to see near Heath Town

Lakes near Heath Town