
Wallsend is a Town in the county of Tyne and Wear.

Wallsend postcode: NE28 8

Retail in Wallsend

There are great places to visit near Wallsend including some great towns, shopping centres, cities and airports.

Places near Wallsend feature a number of interesting towns including Gateshead.

The area around Wallsend boasts some of the best shopping centres including Metrocentre, and Eldon Square.

The area around Wallsend's best cities can be found at Newcastle.

Don't miss Newcastle International Airport's airports if visiting the area around Wallsend.

Wallsend History

There are some historic monuments around Wallsend:

Places to see near Wallsend

History of Wallsend

The withdrawal of the Romans from the Wall immediately brought the Picts from the north and shortly after the Angles, sailing from near the mouth of the River Elbe with frequent raids coming both from sea and land. Ida the Saxon laid waste to the whole of the north in 547 and Wallsend doubtless suffered in the general devastation. It was not until the golden age of Northumberland under Edwin of Northumbria, and the subsequent introduction of the Christian faith by King Oswald of Northumbria (635-642) and St Aidan, that Wallsend enjoyed a time of peace and progress. This time of peace came to an abrupt end in 794 when the Danes (or Vikings) swarmed up the Tyne in great number. The years preceding the coming of William of Normandy were a struggle between Danes and Saxons striving for mastery.

[Extract 13710]

Lakes near Wallsend